EMBASSIES AND CONSULATES OF NORWAY IN EUROPEAustriaEmbassy of NorwayReisnerstrasse 55-57, 1030 WienTel.: +43 1715 6692Fax: +43 1712 6552E-mail: emb.vienna@mfa.noBelgiumEmbassy of NorwaySchuman 6, B-1000 BruxellesTel.: +32 26460780Fax: +32 26462882E-mail: emb.brussels@mfa.nowww.norvege.beConsulate of NorwaySchaliënstraat 3, 2000 Antwerpen Tel.: +32 32476111 Fax: +32 32476109E-mail: consulate.norway@exmar.beConsulate of NorwayRue de l'Espérance 42, 4000 Liège Tel.: +32 42249920Fax: +32 42261106E-mail: royal.norwegian.consulate@etilux.behttp://norcons.etilux.beConsulate of NorwayIsabellalaan 1, 8380 Zeebrugge Tel.: +32 50543211 Fax: +32 50543270 E-mail: royal.norwegian.consulate@mbz.beConsulate of Norway10, rue de la Gare, L-3236 Bettembourg Tel.: +32 352511880Fax: +32 352512863E-mail: notdoern@pt.luBosnia and HerzegovinaEmbassy of NorwayFerhadija 20, 71000 SarajevoTel.: +387 33254000Fax: +387 33666505E-mail: emb.sarajevo@mfa.nowww.norveska.baBulgariaEmbassy of NorwayDondukov Blvd. 54B, 1000 SofiaTel.: +359 29811106Fax: +359 29819010 E-mail: emb.sofia@mfa.nowww.norvegia.bgHonorary Consulate of Norway32, Tsar Simeon I Str., 9000 VarnaTel.: +359 52630796Fax: +359 52600259E-mail: norwegian.consulate@denebinvest.comCroatiaEmbassy of NorwayPetrinjska 9, 10 000 ZagrebTel.: +385 14922831 Fax: +385 14922832E-mail: emb.zagreb@mfa.no www.norwegianembassy.hrConsulate of NorwayZrtava Fasizma 2/II, 51000 RijekaTel.: +385 51335827Fax: +385 51213549CyprusHonorary Consulate General of Norway88, Digenis Akritas Avenue, 1061 NicosiaTel.: +357 22349414Fax: +357 22343149E-mail: norsk.kons@mechatronic.com.cyCzech RepublicEmbassy of NorwayHellichova 1/458, 118 00 Praha 1Tel.: +420 257323737Fax.: +420 257326827E-mail: emb.prague@mfa.nowww.noramb.czDenmarkEmbassy of NorwayAmaliegade 39, 1256 København KTel.: +45 33140124Fax: +45 33140624E-mail: emb.copenhagen@mfa.nowww.norsk.dkEstoniaEmbassy of NorwayHarju 6, 15054 TallinnTel.: +372 6271000Fax: +372 6271001E-mail: emb.tallinn@mfa.nowww.norra.eeFinlandEmbassy of NorwayRehbinderintie 17, 00150 HelsinkiTel.: +358 96860180Fax: +358 9657807E-mail: emb.helsinki@mfa.nowww.norja.fiConsulate of NorwayHögbergsgatan 15, 10900 HangöTel.: +358 192482093Consulate of NorwayMattilanniemi 6, 40101 JyväskyläTel.: +358 400907870Consulate of NorwayTorggatan 36, 67100 KarlebyTel.: +358 68331111Consulate of NorwayMetsämiehentie 11, 48400 KotkaTel.: +358 52285404Consulate of NorwayKiveläntie 5, 70460 KuopioTel.: +358 17 261 3355Consulate of NorwayN. Esplanadgatan 9B, 22100 MariehamnTel.: +358 1826050Consulate of NorwayVeitikantie 2-8, 96100 RovaniemiTel.: +358 163200302Consulate of NorwayIlmailunkatu 23, 33900 TammerforsTel.: +358 400235295Consulate of NorwaySepänkatu 4, 95420 TorneåTel.: +358 16446883Consulate of NorwayPaperitehtaantie, 90700 UleåborgTel.: +358 204633550Consulate of NorwayRådhusgatan 61 A 18, 65100 VasaTel.: +358 63124447Consulate of NorwayKasarmikatu 16 B, 53900 LappeenrantaTel.: +358 52301127Consulate of NorwayOlofsvägen 2, 20700 ÅboTel.: +358 1055010FranceEmbassy of Norway28, rue Bayard, 75008 ParisTel.: +33 153670400Fax: +33 153670440E-mail: emb.paris@mfa.nowww.norvege.noGermanyEmbassy of NorwayRauchstr. 1, 10787 Berlin Tel.: +49 30505050Fax: +49 30505055E-mail: emb.berlin@mfa.nowww.norwegen.noConsulate of NorwayABC-Straße 19, 20354 HamburgTel.: +49 4032509160Fax: +49 40325091633E-mail: cg.hamburg@mfa.noConsulate of NorwayE.ON-Platz 1, 40479 DüsseldorfTel.: +49 2114579449Fax: +49 2114579501E-mail: gk.duesseldorf@eon.comConsulate of NorwayBraunstr. 7, 04347 LeipzigTel.: +49 3414432060Fax: +49 3414432009E-mail: sachsen@norinfo.deConsulate of NorwayFaulenstr. 2/12, 28195 BremenTel.: +49 4213034293Fax: +49 4213034294E-mail: hc.specht@ipsenlogistics.comConsulate of NorwayBethmannstr. 56, 60311 Frankfurt am MainTel.: +49 691310815Fax: +49 6929908108E-mail: norwegisches.konsulat-frankfurt@bakernet.comConsulate of NorwayHerrenhäuser Str. 83, 30419 HannoverTel.: +49 5117907212Fax: +49 5112795733E-mail: konsulatnorwegenhannover@herrenhaeuser.deConsulate of NorwayEuropaplatz 5, 24103 KielTel.: +49 4312400111Fax: +49 4312400112E-mail: norwegisches.konsulat.kiel@vr-web.deConsulate of NorwayGeniner Str. 249, 23560 LübeckTel.: +49 4515302211Fax: +49 4515302490E-mail: norweg.konsulat.hl@baader.comConsulate of NorwayPromenadeplatz 7, 80333 München Tel.: +49 89224170E-mail: office@norwegisches-konsulat-muenchen.deConsulate of NorwayPorscheplatz 1, 70435 StuttgartTel.: +49 71191126466Fax: +49 71191126191E-mail: regina.wanner@porsche.deGreece
Embassy of NorwayVas. Sophias Avenue 23, 106 74 AthensTel.: +30 2107246173Fax: +30 2107244989E-mail: emb.athens@mfa.nowww.norway.grHonorary Consulate General of Norway91, Akti Miaouli, GR-185 38 PiraeusTel: +30 2104290780Fax: +30 2104290791 E-mail: norwegianconsulate@sarantitis.comHonorary Consulate of NorwayA. Papanastasiou 28A, GR-713 06 IraklionTel.: +30 2810225991Fax: +30 2810300523E-mail: maris@maris.grHonorary Consulate of NorwayEhnikis Antistaseos 12, 49 100 CorfuTel.: +30 2661038089Fax: +30 2661035 416E-mail: irene@iliosholidays.grHonorary Consulate of Norway95, Karolou Street, GR-262 23 PatrasTel.: +30 2610435090Fax: +30 2610422058E-mail: kchri@tee.grHonorary Consulate of NorwayOrfanidou Street 54, GR-85100 RhodesTel.: +30 2241028816Fax: +30 2241024065E-mail: stelio50@otenet.grHonorary Consulate of NorwayKomninon Str. 26, 546 24 ThessalonikiTel.: +30 2310284065Fax: +30 2310282839E-mail: consul_@otenet.grHungaryEmbassy of Norway1015 Budapest, Ostrom u. 13 Tel.: +36 12129400Fax: +36 12129410E-mail: emb.budapest@mfa.nowww.norvegia.huIrelandEmbassy of Norway34 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2Tel: +353 16621800Fax: +353 16621890E-mail: emb.dublin@mfa.nowww.norway.ieConsulate of NorwayThe Highlands, Clounthaune, Co CorkTel.: +353 214812645E-mail: mcpearson@eircom.netConsulate of NorwayVictoria House, Eyre Square, GalwayTel.: +353 91567391 Fax: +353 91565038E-mail: brid@rooneys.ieIcelandEmbassy of NorwayFjólugötu 17, 101 ReykjavíkTel.: +354 5200700Fax: +354 5529553E-mail: emb.reykjavik@mfa.nowww.noregur.isConsulate of NorwayEspilundur 6, 600 AkureyriTel.: +354 4611465Fax: +354 8580860E-mail: olafur@tpostur.is Consulate of NorwayIS-400 Ísafjörður, Sundstræti 34Tel.: +354 4563880Fax: +354 4563996E-mail: hestnes@simnet.isConsulate of NorwayFjarðargata 8, IS-710 SeyðisfjörðurTel.: +354 8942709E-mail: johann@smyril-line.is Consulate of NorwayStrandvegur 50, IS-900 Vestmannaeyjar Tel.: +354 4812696Fax: +354 481 2669E-mail: pmj@eyjar.isItalyEmbassy of NorwayVia delle Terme Deciane 7, 00153 RomaTel.: +39 65717031 Fax: +39 65717032E-mail: emb.rome@mfa.nowww.amb-norvegia.it Honorary Consulate of NorwayVia Piero Gobetti 52/2, 40129 BolognaTel.: +39 51355587Fax: +39 51355598E-mail: consolato.norvegia.bo@giannibaravelli.itHonorary Consulate of NorwayVia Roma 121, 09124 CagliariTel.: +39 70668208 Fax: +39 70659924E-mail: norwayconsulate.cagliari@plaisant.itHonorary Consulate of NorwayVia Gino Capponi 26, 50121 FirenzeTel.: +39 552479321Fax: +39 552342629E-mail: consolatodinorvegia@firenzeitalia.netHonorary Consulate of NorwayVia San Siro 10, 16100 GenovaTel.: +39 1024941E-mail: genoanorwegianconsulate@hugotrumpy.itHonorary Consulate of NorwayViale S. Bartolomeo 109, 19126 La SpeziaTel.: +39 187551202Fax: +39 187551301E-mail: gsb@transmar.itHonorary Consulate of NorwayVia Vittorio Emanuele II 21, 98100 MessinaTel.: +39 90674300Fax: +39 90673719E-mail: speciagt@tin.itHonorary Consulate of NorwayPiazza Castello 20, 20121 MilanoTel.: +39 2801137Fax: +39 2862874E-mail: consnorvegia@towernet.itHonorary Consulate of NorwayPiazzale Stazione Marittima, 80133 NapoliTel.: +39 815512211Fax: +39 815512947E-mail: consulate@klingenberg.itHonorary Consulate of NorwayVia Emerico Amari 8, 90139 PalermoTel.: +39 91333850Fax: +39 91322435E-mail: tpandi@tin.itHonorary Consulate of NorwayVia Chiodo 1, 17100 SavonaTel.: +39 19821129Fax: +39 19811117E-mail: roginfo@portosavona.netHonorary Consulate of NorwayVia M.L. King 9-11,10051 AviglianaTel.: +39 119368400Fax: +39 119368047E-mail: lmussino@azimutyachts.netHonorary Consulate of NorwayViale Miramare 5, 34135 TriesteTel.: +39 404193155E-mail: consulate@francescoparisi.comHonorary Consulate of NorwayPiazzale Roma 466 B, 30125 VeneziaTel.: +39 415231345Fax: +39 415237043E-mail: consolato.norvegia.ve@longanesicattani.itLatviaEmbassy of NorwayZirgu iela 14, LV 1050 RīgaTel.: +371 67814100Fax: +371 67814108E-mail: emb.riga@mfa.nowww.norvegija.lvLithuaniaEmbassy of NorwayMėsinių 5/2, LT-01133 VilniusTel.: +370 52610000Fax: +370 52610100E-mail: emb.vilnius@mfa.noMacedoniaEmbassy of Norway8-ma Udarna brigada br. 2, 1000 SkopjeTel.: +389 23298190Fax: +389 23111138E-mail: embskp@mfa.nowww.norway.org.mkMaltaConsulate General of NorwayNotabile Road, MriehelTel.: +356 21448466Fax: +356 21447678E-mail: tzcutajar@pcutajar.com.mtNetherlandsEmbassy of NorwayLange Vijverberg 11, NL-2513 AC The HagueTel.: +31 703117611Fax: +31 703659630E-mail: emb.hague@mfa.nowww.norwegen.nlHonorary Consulate General of NorwayVasteland 38J, 3011 BM RotterdamTel.: +31 104144488Fax: +31 104126324E-mail: cons.gen.rotterdam@xs4all.nlHonorary Consulate General of NorwayReimersbeek 2, 1082 AG AmsterdamTel.: +31 203015545Fax: +31 203015635E-mail: norway@russell.nlHonorary Consulate of NorwayConcourslaan 17, 9727 KC GroningenTel.: +31 505213100Fax: +31 505211943E-mail: consul.nor@gasunie.nlPolandEmbassy of Norwayul. Chopina 2A, 00-559 WarszawaTel.: +48 226964030Fax: +48 226280938E-mail: emb.warsaw@mfa.nowww.amb-norwegia.plConsulate of Norwayul. T. Wendy 15, 81-341 GdyniaTel.: +48 586618004Fax: +48 586618005E-mail: norconsulate@mar-law.plConsulate of Norwayul. Mazowiecka 25, 30-019 KrakówTel.: +48 126330376Fax: +48 126330351E-mail: norkons_kr@wp.plConsulate of NorwayAl. Niepodleg³o¶ci 17, 70-412 SzczecinTel.: +48 918121430Fax: +48 918121435E-mail: konsulat@kancelaria-szczecin.plPortugalEmbassy of NorwayAvenida D. Vasco da Gama 1, P-1400-127 LisboaTel.: +351 213015344Fax: +351 213016158E-mail: emb.lisbon@mfa.no www.noruega.org.ptConsulate of NorwayRua das Maravilhas 23, 9000 FunchalTel.: +351 291741515Fax: +351 291741514E-mail: maravilhas@mail.telepac.ptConsulate of NorwayCais de Santa Cruz, 9901-862 HortaTel.: +351 292200400Fax: +351 292200411E-mail: hrmartins@oma.ptConsulate of NorwayLargo da Matriz 56, 9500-118 Ponta DelgadaTel.: +351 296205030Fax: +351 296205039E-mail: azevedocs@mail.telepac.ptConsulate of NorwayRua Júdice Biker 11-4°, 8500 PortimãoTel.: +351 282414878Fax: +351 282414879Consulate of NorwayLargo do Terreiro 4, 4050-603 PortoTel.: +351 223322512Fax: +351 222081568E-mail: consuladonoruega@consulados.net.novis.ptRomaniaEmbassy of Norway4 Dumbrava Rosie St., 020463 BucurestiTel.: +40 212100274Fax: +40 212100275E-mail: emb.bucharest@mfa.noHonorary Consulate of Norway251-253 Mamaia B-dul, 900559 ConstantaTel.: +40 241673737Fax: +40 241673535E-mail: laur@barklav.roRussiaEmbassy of NorwayUlitsa Povarskaya 7, 131940 MoscowTel.: +7 4959331410Fax: +7 4959331412E-mail: emb.moscow@mfa.nowww.norvegia.ruConsulate of NorwayNevskiy prospekt 25, 191186 St PetersburgTel.: +7 8123366420Fax: +7 8123366421E-mail: cons.gen.stpetersburg@mfa.noConsulate of NorwayUl Sofii Perovskoy 5, 183038 MurmanskTel.: +7 8152400600Fax: +7 8152400620E-mail: cons.gen.murmansk@mfa.noSerbiaEmbassy of NorwayUzicka 43, BelgradeTel.: +381 113670404 Fax: +381 113690158E-mail: emb.belgrade@mfa.nowww.norveska.org.yuSlovakiaEmbassy of NorwayPalisády 29, 811 06 BratislavaTel.: +421 259100100Fax: +421 259100115E-mail: emb.bratislava@mfa.no www.norway.skSloveniaEmbassy of NorwayAjdovscina 4, LjubljanaTel.: +386 13002140Fax: +386 13002150E-mail: emb.ljubljana@mfa.nowww.norway.siSpainEmbassy of NorwayCalle Serrano 26, 28001 MadridTel.: +34 914363840Fax: +34 913190969E-mail: emb.madrid@mfa.nowww.noruega.esConsulate of NorwayHuerta de los Naranjos, C-11 - Puente Mayorga, 11313 AlgecirasTel.: +34 956698737Fax: +34 956699083E-mail: nvikre@wanadoo.esConsulate of NorwayCalle Foglietti 2 - 1 C, 03007 AlicanteTel./Fax: +34 965124193E-mail: consuladonoruega@ono.comConsulate of NorwayC/Balmes 184, 5 piso, 2a, 08006 BarcelonaTel.: +34 932184983Fax: +34 932380327E-mail: cons.gral.bcna@terra.esConsulate of NorwayEdificio Aurea, 6 A y B, C/ Pal 1, 03501 BenidormTel.: +34 965852107Fax: +34 966802700E-mail: norconsul@ctv.esConsulate of NorwayGran Vía, 17-5, Dpto. 4, 48001 BilbaoTel.: +34 944151666Fax: +34 944792920E-mail: consulado.gral.nor.bilbao@vicinaycadenas.comConsulate of NorwayC/Trinidad, 75 bajos, 12080 Castellón de la PlanaTel.: +34 964222550Fax: +34 964238904E-mail: merche@intur.comConsulate of NorwayCarretera de Barcelona, 31 - bajos, 17001 GeronaTel.: +34 972213408Fax: +34 972205932Consulate of NorwayMárquez de San Esteban, 1-7, 33206 GijónTel.: +34 985341025Fax: +34 985340103E-mail: comanoras@telecable.esConsulate of NorwayAvenida Linares Rivas, 18-2D, 15005 La CoruñaTel./Fax: +34 881925275E-mail: henryguyatt@hotmail.comConsulate of NorwayC/Luis Morote, 6 - 6 piso, 35007 Las PalmasTel.: +34 928495000Fax: +34 928495036E-mail: consullpa@fredolsen.esConsulate of NorwayAvda. de Los Boliches 60, 29640 FuengirolaTel.: +34 952667955Fax: +34 952665876Consulate of NorwayC/ Unión, 2, piso 1, desp. 19, 07001 Palma de MallorcaTel.: +34 971710809Fax: +34 971711005Consulate of NorwayAvenida de Tolosa, 7, 20018 San SebastianTel.: +34 943000322 Fax: +34 943000268E-mail: jmecharri@camaragipuzkoa.comConsulate of NorwayPolígono Industrial Añaza s/n, 38111 Santa Cruz de TenerifeTel.: +34 922628371Fax: +34 922628370E-mail: consultfe@fredolsen.esConsulate of NorwayC/ Santa Lucía, 35, 41003 SevillaTel.: +34 954275442Fax: +34 954284426E-mail: consul.noruega@azahares.comConsulate of NorwayC/del Gasómetre, 16-2-1a, 43001 TarragonaTel.: +34 977240469Fax: +34 977240469Consulate of NorwayC/ Cañonigo Torres, 8, 03180 TorreviejaTel.: +34 966704501Fax: +34 965716916E-mail: konsulat@consultingcb.comConsulate of NorwayAvenida del Puerto, 312, 46024 ValenciaTel./Fax: +34 963310887E-mail: blomdahl@tematicasoftware.comConsulate of NorwayAvenida de Canovas del Castillo, 12, 36202 VigoTel.: +34 986431533Fax: +34 986229741E-mail: agencia@viajesduran.comSwedenEmbassy of NorwaySkarpögatan 4, StockholmTel.: +46 86656340Fax: +46 87829899E-mail: emb.stockholm@mfa.nowww.norge.seConsulate of NorwayTrotzgatan 22-24, FalunTel.: +46 2315085Fax: +46 2364365Consulate of NorwaySkånegatan 16, 411 40 GöteborgTel.: +46 31180509Fax: +46 31180398E-mail: norge@generalkonsulat.seConsulate of NorwayBox 1358, 251 13 HelsinborgTel.: +46 424000950Fax: +46 42244120www.norskkonsulat.seConsulate of NorwaySkolgatan 24, JönköpingTel.: +46 36304010Fax: +46 36126111Consulate of NorwayLarmtorget 4, 392 31 KalmarTel.: +46 48044284Fax: +46 48087570Consulate of NorwaySödra Kyrkogatan 6, 652 24 KarlstadTel.: +46 54221489Consulate of NorwayGeologgatan 6, 981 21 KirunaTel.: +46 98083830Fax: +46 98083826Consulate of NorwayV. Boulevarden 41, KristiansandTel.: +46 44281900Fax: +46 44121707Consulate of NorwayKöpmangatan 60 C, 972 34 LuleåTel.: +46 920225018.Consulate of NorwaySkeppsbron 2, MalmöTel.: +46 40123500Fax: +46 40200851E-mail: advokaterna@advla.seConsulate of NorwayFleminggatan 9, NorrköpingTel.: +46 11218015 Fax: +46 11218048Consulate of NorwaySkepparplatsen 1, 851 88 SundsvallTel.: +46 60193000Fax: +46 60193324Consulate of NorwayBastionsgatan 5, UddevallaTel.: +46 52291300Fax: +46 52235914Consulate of NorwayHamngatan 3, 621 57 VisbyTel.: +46 498249004Fax: +46 498210303Consulate of NorwayKopparbergsvägen 6, S-722 13 VästeråsTel.: +46 21105016Fax: +46 21105055Consulate of NorwayTörnstens Gränd 15, 831 30 ÖstersundTel.: +46 63571240Fax: +46 63133960SwitzerlandEmbassy of NorwayBubenbergplatz 10, 3011 BernTel.: +41 313105555Fax: +41 313105550E-mail: emb.bern@mfa.nowww.amb-norwegen.chTurkeyEmbassy of NorwayKırkpınar Sokak no. 18, 06540 AnkaraTel.: +90 3124058010Fax: +90 3124430544E-mail: emb.ankara@mfa.nowww.norway.org.trConsulate General of NorwayBilezik Sok. 4, 34427 İstanbulTel.: +90 2122499753Fax: +90 2122494434Consulate of Norway1378 Sok. 4/1 Kat. 2/201 Kordon ݺhanı35210 Alsancak, İzmirTel.: +90 2324219280 Fax: +90 2324220690Consulate of NorwayLiman Mah. Akdeniz Cad. no. 262; Aktur Apt., Kat. 4, D:1107070 Liman Kavºağı, AntalyaTel.: +90 2422590083Fax: +90 2422591237Consulate of NorwayÜnsal ݺhanı, Atatürk Bulvarı Kat. 1, P.K. 1131200 İskenderunTel.: +90 3266134567 Fax: +90 3266140234Consulate of NorwayArmutalan Uyum Sitesi No 40, 48700 Marmaris, MuğlaTelephone: +90 2524174790Consulate of NorwayKonakli Kasabasi, 07490 AlanyaTel.: +90 2425650330Fax: +90 2425650331UkraineEmbassy of NorwayVul. Striletska 15, 01901 KievTel.: +380 445900470 Fax: +380 442340655 E-mail: emb.kiev@mfa.no www.norway.com.uaUnited KingdomEmbassy of Norway25 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8QD Tel.: +44 2075915500 Fax: +44 2072456993E-mail: emb.london@mfa.nowww.norway.org.ukConsulate of Norway14 Carden Place, Aberdeen AB10 1URTel.: +44 1224632464Fax: +44 1224632184E-mail: fionas@mackinnons.comConsulate of Norwayl5-l9 Corporation Square, Belfast BTl 3AJTel.: +44 289090242242Fax: +44 289090235776E-mail: info@mfewings.comConsulate of NorwayOne Colmore Square, Birmingham B4 6AJTel.: +44 8454042404E-mail: charles.bond@cobbetts.comConsulate of NorwayGordano Road, Royal Portbury Dock, Bristol BS20 7XQTel.: +44 1275378090 Fax: +44 1275372872E-mail: consul@ospreyltd.comConsulate of Norway55 High Street, Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7AETel.: +44 8712260180Fax: +44 1446773695E-mail: norway@samsmithtravel.comConsulate General of Norway86 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3BUTel: +44 1312265701Fax: +44 1312204976E-mail: mona.rohne@mfa.noConsulate of Norway18 Woodside Crescent, Glasgow G3 7ULTel.: +44 143330618Fax: +44 143532190E-mail: john.denholm@denholm-group.co.ukConsulate of NorwaySuite 249 2F, India Buildings, Water Street, Liverpool L2 0QDTel.: +44 1512581118Fax: +44 1512581117E-mail: admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.ukConsulate of NorwayWarren Bruce Road, Trafford Park, Manchester M17 1LBTel.: +44 1618774700Fax: +44 1612366469E-mail: norconsulate@itcgm.co.uk
