Embassy of the UKRruga Skenderbeg 12, TiranaTel.: +355 42234973Fax: +355 42247697www.embassy.gov.uk/albaniaAustriaEmbassy of the UKJauresgasse 12, 1030 ViennaTel.: +43 1716130 Fax: +43 1716135900E-mail: viennaconsularenquiries@fco.gov.ukHonorary Consulate of the UKBundesstrasse 110, A-6923 Lauterach/BregenzTel.: +43 557478586 Fax: +43 557470928 Honorary Consulate of the UKSchmiedgasse 8-12, A-8010 GrazTel.: +43 31682161621 Fax: +43 31682161645 Honorary Consulate of the UKKaiserjaegerstrasse 1/Top B9, A-6020 InnsbruckTel.: +43 512588320 Fax: +43 512579973Honorary Consulate of the UKAlter Markt 4, A-5020 SalzburgTel.: +43 662848133 Fax: +43 662845563 BelarusEmbassy of the UK37 Karl Marx Street, 220030 MinskTel.: +375 172105920 Fax: +375 172202306E-mail: britinfo@nsys.bywww.embassy.gov.uk/belarusBelgiumEmbassy of the UKRue d'Arlon 85 Aarlenstraat, 1040 BrusselsTel.: +32 22876211Fax: +32 22876355Honorary Consulate of the UKDok Noord 3, B-9000 GhentTel.: +32 92357221Fax: +32 9222 8127E-mail: consul@meyvaert.beBosnia and HerzegovinaEmbassy of the UKPetrakijina 11, SarajevoTel.: +387 33282200Fax: +387 33204780BulgariaEmbassy of the UK9 Moskovska Street, Sofia 1000Tel.: +359 29339222Fax: +359 29339219http://ukinbulgaria.fco.gov.ukHonorary Consulate of the UK40 Graf Igantiev Street, VarnaTel.: +359 526655555Fax: +359 526655755E-mail: nikolai.bozhilov@unimasters.comCroatiaEmbassy of the UKIvana Lučića 4, 10000 ZagrebTel.: +385 16009100Fax: +385 16009111E-mail: embassyzagreb@fco.gov.ukHonorary Consulate of the UKVukovarska 22/1, 20000 DubrovnikTel./Fax: +385 20324597E-mail: honcons.dubrovnik@inet.hrHonorary Consulate of the UKObala Hrvatskog Narodnog Preporoda 10/III, 21000 SplitTel.: +385 21346007Fax: +385 21362905E-mail: consulat-st@st.htnet.hrCyprusHigh Commission of the UKAlexander Pallis Street, 1587 NicosiaTel.: +357 22861100Fax: +357 22861125E-mail: brithc.2@cytanet.com.cywww.highcommission.gov.uk/cyprusCzech RepublicEmbassy of the UKThunovska 14, 118 00 Prague 1Tel.: +420 257402111Fax: +420 25740 2296E-mail: info@britain.czDenmarkEmbassy of the UKKastelsvej 36/38/40, DK-2100 CopenhagenTel.: +45 35445200Honorary Consulate of the UKHP Hansens Gade 5, 6200 AabenraaTel.: +45 74623500Fax: +45 74630744E-mail: wk@visitaabenraa.dkHonorary Consulate of the UKVesthavnen, PO Box 235, 7000 FredericiaTel.: +45 75922000Fax: +45 76202965E-mail: morten_rahbek_hansen@rahbek.dkHonorary Consulate of the UKLundvej 8, 7400 HerningTel.: +45 96277300Fax: +45 97124858E-mail: lars@aage-damgaard.dkHonorary Consulate of the UKNiels Finsensgøta 5, FR-110 TórshavnTel.: +298 350077 Fax: +298 359980E-mail: thd@damfar.foHonorary Consulate of the UKLille Torv 6, 8000 Århus CTel.: +45 70111122Fax: +45 70111133E-mail: hk@delacour.dkEstoniaEmbassy of the UKWismari 6, Tallinn 10136Tel.: +372 6674700Fax: +372 6674756E-mail: infotallinn@fco.gov.ukFinlandEmbassy of the UKItäinen Puistotie 17, 00140 HelsinkiTel.: +358 922865100Fax: +358 922865284E-mail: info.helsinki@fco.gov.ukFranceEmbassy of the UKBP111-08, 75383 ParisCEDEX 08 ParisTel.: +33 144513100Fax: +33 144513127www.ukinfrance.fco.gov.ukConsulate of the UK353 Boulevard du President Wilson, 33073 Bordeaux CedexTel.: +33 557222110Fax: +33 556083312E-mail: postmaster.bordeaux@fco.gov.ukHonorary Consulate of the UKBP 15, 50460 QuerquevilleTel./Fax: +33 233780183Honorary Consulatec/o Louis-Dreyfus Lines, Terminal de la Citadelle BP 90746, 76060 Le Havre, Le Havre CEDEXTel.: +33 235197888Fax: +33 235197898E-mail: benjamin.maslen@wanadoo.frConsulate General of the UK11 Square Dutilleul, 59000 LilleTel.: +33 320128272Fax: +33 320548816E-mail: postmaster.lille@fco.gov.ukConsulate of the UK24 rue Childebert, 69002 LyonTel.: +33 472778170Fax: +33 472778179E-mail: postmaster.lyon@fco.gov.ukConsulate of the UK24 Avenue de Prado, 13006 MarseilleTel.: +33 491157210Fax: +33 491374706E-mail: marseilleconsular.marseille@fco.gov.ukHonorary Consulate of the UKBP 22026, 44020 NantesTel.: +33 251727260Fax: +33 240473692GermanyEmbassy of the UKWilhelmstrasse 70, 10117 BerlinTel.: +49 3020457-0 Fax: 49 3020457594www.britischebotschaft.deHonorary Consulate of the UKHerrlichkeit 6, 28199 BremenTel.: +49 421590708Fax: +49 4215907109Consulate General of the UKYorckstrasse 19, 40476 DüsseldorfTel.: +49 2119448-0Fax: +49 211486359E-mail: consular.section@duesseldorf.mail.fco.gov.ukHonorary Consulate of the UKBockenheimlandstr 38-40, 60323 Frankfurt am MainTel.: +49 6971675345Consulate of the UKNeuer Jungfernstieg 20, 20354 HamburgTel.: +49 4044803236E-mail: gwen.cochrane@embassy.deConsulate of the UKKarl-Wiechart Allee 50, 30625 HanoverTel.: +49 5113883808E-mail: brithoncon@hannover-re.comHonorary Consulate of the UKMarklerstr 11-14, 24159 KielTel.: +49 431331971Fax: +49 4313053746Consulate General of the UKMöhlstr. 5, 81675 MunichTel.: +49 89211090Fax: +49 8921109144E-mail: info.munich@fco.gov.ukHonorary Consulate of the UKHadermuhle 9-15, D-90402 NurembergTel.: +49 9112404303Fax: +49 9112404177Honorary Consulate of the UKNeckertalstrasse 155, 70376 StuttgartTel.: +49 7115006342Fax: +49 7115006344Greece
Embassy of the UK1 Ploutarchou Street, 106 75 AthensTel.: +30 2107272600Fax: +30 2107272743Consulate of the UK18 Mantzarou Street, 491 00 CorfuTel.: +30 2661030055Fax: +30 2661037995Consulate of the UK16 Papa Alexandrou Street, 712 02 HeraklionTel.: +30 2810224012Fax: +30 2810243935Honorary Vice-Consulate of the UK55 Navarinou Street, 853 00 KosTel.: +30 24221549Fax: +30 24225948Honorary Vice-Consulate of the UKVotsi 2, 262 21 PatrasTel.: +30 2610277329Fax: +30 2610225334Honorary Consulate of the UK29 Gr. Lambraki Street, 851 00 RhodesTel.: +30 2241022005Fax: +30 2241024473Honorary Vice-Consulate of the UK8 Akti Petrou Ralli, Hermoupolis, 841 00 SyrosTel.: +30 28182232Fax: +30 22810832Consulate of the UK21 Aristotelous Street, 546 24 ThessalonikiTel.: +30 2310278006Fax: +30 2310283868Vice-Consulate of the UK5 Foskolos Street, 291 00 ZakynthosTel.: +30 2695022906Fax: +30 2695023769HungaryEmbassy of the UKHarmincad Utca 6, Budapest 1051Tel.: +36 12662888Fax: +36 12660907E-mail: info@britemb.huhttp://ukinhungary.fco.gov.ukIcelandEmbassy of the UKLaufásvegur 31, 101 ReykjavíkTel.: +354 5505100Fax: +354 5505105E-mail: britemb@centrum.iswww.embassy.gov.uk/icelandHonorary Vice-Consulate of the UKP O Box 380, IS-602 AkureyiTel.: +354 4630102Fax: +354 4624621IrelandEmbassy of the UK29 Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4Tel.: +353 12053700Fax: +353 12053885E-mail: management.dublin@fco.gov.ukwww.embassy.ieItalyEmbassy of the UKVia XX Settembre 80a, I-00187 Roma RMTel.: +39 642200001Consulate of the UKViale Colombo 160, I-09045 Quartu SE CATel./Fax: +39 70828628E-mail: britcon.cagliari@tiscali.itConsulate of the UKvia N Coviello 27, 95128 CataniaTel.: +39 957167336Consulate of the UKLungarno Corsini 2, 50123 Firenze FITel.: +39 55284133Fax: +39 55219112E-mail: consular.florence@fco.gov.ukHonorary Consulate of the UKPiazza G Verdi 6/A, 16121 GenovaTel.: +39 105740071Fax: +39 105304096Consulate General of the UKVia San Paolo 7, I-20121 MilanTel.: +39 2723001Fax: +39 28692405Consulate of the UKVia dei Mille 40, 80121 NaplesTel.: +39 814238911Fax: +39 81422434E-mail: info.naples@fco.gov.ukConsulate of the UKVia Cavour 117, I-90133 Palermo PATel.: +39 91582533Fax: +39 91584240E-mail: luigi@tagliavia.itConsulate of the UKPiazzale Donatori di Sangue 2/5, 30171 Venice-MestreTel.: +39 415055990Fax: +39 41950254E-mail: britconvenice@tin.itLatviaEmbassy of the UKJ. Alunana Street 5, Riga LV-1010Tel.: +371 67774700Fax: +371 67774707E-mail: embassy@apollo.lvwww.ukinlatvia.fco.gov.ukLithuaniaEmbassy of the UKAntakalnio str. 2, LT-10308 VilniusTel.: +370 52462900Fax: +370 52462901E-mail: be-vilnius@britain.lthttp://ukinlithuania.fco.gov.ukLuxembourgEmbassy of the UK5 Boulevard Joseph II, L-1840 LuxembourgTel.: +352 229864Fax: +352 229867E-mail: britemb@internet.luwww.ukinluxembourg.fco.gov.ukMacedoniaEmbassy of the UKSalvador Aljende No. 73, Skopje 1000Tel.: +389 23299299Fax: +389 23179726E-mail: consular.skopje@fco.gov.ukMaltaHigh Commission of the UKWhitehall Mansions, Ta' Xbiex SeafrontTa' Xbiex XBX 1026Tel.: +356 23230000Fax: +356 23232234E-mail: bhcvalletta@fco.gov.uk
Embassy of the UK18 Nicolae Iorga str., Chisinau MD-2012Tel.: +373 22225902Fax: +373 22251859E-mail: visa.enquiries5@fco.gov.ukwww.embassy.gov.uk/moldovaMontenegroEmbassy of the UKUlcinjska 8, Gorica C, 81000 PodgoricaTel.: +382 20618010Fax: +382 20618020www.ukinmontenegro.fco.gov.ukNetherlandsEmbassy of the UKLange Voorhout 10, 2514 ED The HagueTel.: +31 704270427Fax: +31 704270345E-mail: ukinnl@fco.gov.ukhttp://ukinnl.fco.gov.ukConsulate General of the UKKoningslaan 44, 1075 AE Amsterdam Tel.: +31 206764343Fax: +31 206761069NorwayEmbassy of the UKThomas Heftyesgate 8, 0264 OsloTel.: +47 23132700Fax: +47 23132741E-mail: britemb@online.nowww.embassy.gov.uk/norwayConsulate of the UKFarstadgården, St Olav's Plass, 6001 ÅlesundTel.: +47 70117500Fax: +47 70117502E-mail: post@farstad.noConsulate of the UKØvre Ole Bulls Plass 1 - 1etg, 5804 BergenTel.: +47 55367810Fax: +47 55367811 Honorary Consulate of the UKNotveien 17, 8103 BodøTel.: +47 75565800Fax: +47 75565801E-mail: kan@norconsult.noHonorary Consulate of the UKTangen 10, 4610 KristiansandTel.: +47 38122070Fax: +47 38123071E-mail: wiesehan@online.noConsulate of the UKPrinsensgate 12, 4008 StavangerTel.: +47 51529713Fax: +47 51538301E-mail: thomas.falck@jacob-falck.noHonorary Consulate of the UKStorgata 5-13, 9008 TromsøTel.: +47 77624500 Fax: +47 77657835E-mail: ragnhild.fagerelv@mack.noConsulate of the UKBeddingen 8, 7014 TrondheimTel.: +47 73600200Fax: +47 73600250PolandEmbassy of the UKAleje Róż 1, 00-556 WarsawTel.: +48 223110000Fax: +48 223110311www.embassy.gov.uk/polandHonorary Consulate of the UKul. Grunwaldzka 102, 80-224 GdańskTel.: +48 583414365Fax: +48 583441608E-mail: consul@abcc.com.plHonorary Consulate of the UKul. PCK 10, 40-057 KatowiceTel.: +48 322069801Fax: +48 322054646E-mail: honcon@silesia.top.plHonorary Consulate of the UKul. Piotrkowska 85, 90-423 ŁódźTel.: +48 426311818Fax: +48 426364116E-mail: consulatuk@signa.plHonorary Consulate of the UKUl. Beskidzka 9, 20-869 LublinTel.: +48 817420101Fax: +48 817429130E-mail: ukconsul@uren.com.plHonorary Consulate of the UKul. Kochanowskiego 4/2, 60-844 PoznańTel.: +48 616658850Fax: +48 616658851E-mail: walkowiak.w@orbis.plHonorary Consulate of the UKul. Starego Wiarusa 32, 71-206 SzczecinTel.: +48 914870302Fax: +48 914873697E-mail: gacszz@fnet.plHonorary Consulate of the UKul. Oławska 2, 50-123 WrocławTel.: +48 713448961Fax: +48 713448961E-mail: consulate@kmc.com.plPortugalEmbassy of the UKRua de São Bernardo 33, 1249-082 LisbonTel.: +351 213924000Fax: +351 213924178E-mail: consular.lisbon@fco.gov.ukwww.ukinportugal.gov.ukHonorary Consulate of the UKRua da Alfandega 10, 3C, 9000-059 Funchal, MadeiraTel.: +351 291212867Fax: +351 291212869E-mail: britcon.funchal@netmadeira.comHonorary Consulate of the UKTravessa Barão de Forrester 10, 4400 - 034 Vila Nova de GaiaTel.: +351 226184789Fax: +351 226100438E-mail: britcon.oporto@sapo.ptConsulate of the UKLargo Francisco A Mauricio 7-1°, 8500-535 PortimãoTel.: +351 282490750Fax: +351 282490758E-mail: bc.portimao@netcabo.ptHonorary Consulate of the UKRua Domingos Rebelo 43ª, 9500-234 Ponta Delgada, S. Miguel - AzoresTel.: +351 296628175Fax: +351 296628175E-mail: amgm@net.sapo.ptRomaniaEmbassy of the UK24 Jules Michelet, 010463 BucharestTel.: +40 212017200Fax: +40 212017299E-mail: press.bucharest@fco.gov.ukhttp://ukinromania.fco.gov.ukRussiaEmbassy of the UKSmolenskaya Naberezhnaya 10, Moscow 121099Tel.: +7 4959567200Fax: +7 4959567201Consulate General of the UK15a Gogol Street, 620075 EkaterinburgTel.: +7 3433794931Fax: +7 3433592901E-mail: britcon@r96.ruhttp://ukinrussia.fco.gov.ukConsulate General of the UKPL Proletarskoy Diktatury 5, Smolninskiy Raion, 191124 St PetersburgTel.: +7 8123203200Fax: +7 8123203211SerbiaEmbassy of the UKResavska 46, 11000 BelgradeTel.: +381 112645055Fax: +381 112659651www.embassy.gov.uk/serbiaSlovakiaEmbassy of the UKPanska 16, 811 01 BratislavaTel.: +421 259982000Fax: +421 259982237www.embassy.skSloveniaEmbassy of the UK4th floor Trg Republike 3, 1000 LjubljanaTel.: +386 12003910Fax: +386 14250174E-mail: info@embassy.siwww.embassy.gov.uk/sloveniaSpainEmbassy of the UKC/ Fernando el Santo, 16, 28010 MadridTel.: +34 917008200Fax: +34 917008210www.embassy.gov.uk/spainConsulate of the UKPlaza Calvo Sotelo 1-2, Apartado De Correos 564, 03001 AlicanteTel.: +34 965216022Fax: +34 965140528E-mail: enquiries.alicante@fco.gov.ukConsulate General of the UKAvenida Diagonal 477, 08036 BarcelonaTel.: +34 933666200Fax: +34 933666221Consulate of the UKAlameda de Urquijo 2, 8º, 48008 BilbaoTel.: +34 944157722Fax: +34 944167632E-mail: bilbaoconsulate@fco.gov.ukVice-Consulate of the UKAvenida Isidoro Macabich 45-1º, Apartado 307, 07800 IbizaTel.: +34 971301818Fax: +34 971301972E-mail: consulate.ibiza@fco.gov.ukConsulate of the UKCalle Luis Morote 6-3º, 35007 - Las Palmas de Gran CanariaTel.: +34 928262508Fax: +34 928267774E-mail: lapal-consular@fco.gov.ukwww.embassy.gov.uk/spainConsulat General of the UKPaseo de Recoletos 7/9, 28004 MadridTel.: +34 915249700Fax: +34 915249730E-mail: madridconsulate@fco.gov.ukConsulate of the UKCalle Mauricio Moro Pareto 2-2°, 29006 MálagaTel.: +34 952352300Fax: +34 952359211E-mail: malaga@fco.gov.ukConsulate of the UKConvent dels Caputxins 4, 07002 Palma de MallorcaTel.: +34 971712445Fax: +34 971717520E-mail: consulate.palma.mail@fco.gov.ukConsulate of the UKPlaza Weyler 8, 1º, Santa Cruz de Tenerife 38003Tel.: +34 922286863 Fax: +34 922289903E-mail: tenerife.enquiries@fco.gov.ukSwedenEmbassy of the UKSkarpögatan 6-8, 115 93 StockholmTel.: +46 86713000Fax: +46 86629989 E-mail: info@embassy.seSwitzerlandEmbassy of the UKThunstrasse 50, 3005 BerneTel.: +41 313597700Fax: +41 313597701E-mail: info@embassy.chHonorary Consulate of the UKGewerbestrasse 14, 4123 AllschwilTel.: +41 614830977Fax: +41 614830977Consulate General of the UKAvenue Louis Casaï 58, 1216 Cointrin, GenevaTel.: +41 229182400Fax: +41 229182322Honorary Consulate of the UKVia Sorengo 22, 6903 LuganoTel.: +41 919500606Fax: +41 919500609Vice-Consulate of the UK13 chemin de l'Aubousset, 1806 St Légier, VaudTel./Fax: +41 21 9433263Vice-Consulate of the UKRue des Fontaines, 3974 Mollens-ValaisTel.: +41 274803210Fax: +41 274803211Vice-Consulate of the UKHegibachstrasse 47, 8032 ZurichTel.: +41 443836560 Fax: +41 443836561 TurkeyEmbassy of the UKŞehit Ersan Caddesi 46/A, AnkaraTel.: +90 3124553344Fax: +90 3124553352Vice-Consulate of the UK1314 Sokak 6/8, Genclik Malléis, AntalyaTel.: +90 2422445313Fax: +90 2422432095E-mail: britconant@turk.netHonorary Consulate of the UKCafer Pasa Cad, 2. Emsan Evleri No 7, Bodrum Tel.: +90 2523130021Fax: +90 2523130017E-mail: honconbod2@superonline.comHonorary Consulate of the UKAtaturk Cad No 8, 483000 Fethiye - MuglaTel.: +90 2526146302Fax: +90 2526148394E-mail: bhcfethiye@superonline.comConsulate General of the UKMesrutiyet Caddesi No 34, Tepebasi Beyoglu 34435, IstanbulTel.: +90 2123346400Fax: +90 2123156401 E-mail: cons-istanbul@fco.gov.ukConsulate of the UK1442 Sokak No 49, Alsancak, Izmir PK 300Tel.: +90 2324635151Fax: +90 2324650858E-mail: bcizmir@fco.gov.ukHonorary Consulate of the UKBarbaros Caddesi No 118 Marina, PO Box 8, 48700 MarmarisTel.: +90 2524126486 Fax: +90 2524124565E-mail: brithonmar@superonline.comUkraineEmbassy of the UK9 Desyatynna St., Kyiv 01025Tel.: +380 444903660 Fax: +380 444903662www.embassy.gov.uk/ukraine