Embassy of the NetherlandsRruga Asim Zeneli 10, TiranaTel.: +355 42240828Fax: +355 42232723E-mail: tir@minbuza.nlwww.mfa.nl/tir-enAustriaEmbassy of the NetherlandsOpernring 5, 7. Stock, 1010 WienTel.: +43 158939Fax: +43 158939265E-mail: wen-public@minbuza.nlwww.mfa.nl/wenHonorary Consulate of the NetherlandsSchloss 1, 9400 WolfsbergTel.: +43 4352236522Fax: +43 4352236521Honorary Consulate of the NetherlandsKapuzinerstrasse 84e, 4020 LinzTel.: +43 732784006Fax: +43 732784007Honorary Consulate of the NetherlandsSFA Sprachreisen GmbH, Nussdorferstrasse 4, 5020 SalzburgTel.: +43 66282897026Fax: +43 66282897016E-mail: nlkonsulat@sfa-sprachreisen.atHonorary Consulate of the NetherlandsGlacisstrasse 27/II. Stock, 8010 GrazTel.: +43 316711565Fax: +43 316806821E-mail: konsulat@pmsp.atHonorary Consulate of the NetherlandsSalurnerstrasse 1, 6020 InnsbruckTel.:/Fax: +43 512587492Honorary Consulate of the NetherlandsHerrengasse 23, 6700 BludenzTel.: +43 55526135379Fax: +43 5552613570BelarusConsulate of the NetherlandsVostochnaya St. 133, office 503, Minsk 220113Tel.: +375 172625323Fax: +375 172624052E-mail: nlconsulate@mail.byBelgiumEmbassy of the NetherlandsHerrmann-Debrouxlaan 48, 1160 BrusselTel.: +32 26791711Fax: +32 26791775E-mail: bru@minbuza.nlwww.nederlandseambassade.beConsulate General of the NetherlandsUitbreidingstraat 86 bus 2, 2600 Antwerpen - BerchemTel.: +32 32870830Fax: +32 32814331E-mail: ant@minbuza.nlwww.nederlandsconsulaat.beConsulate General of the NetherlandsRecollettenlei 12, 9000 GentTel.: +32 92251816Fax: +32 92256523E-mail: cg.nederland.gent@telenet.beBosnia and HerzegovinaEmbassy of the NetherlandsGrbavicka 4, 71000 SarajevoTel.: +387 33562600Fax: +387 33223413E-mail: sar@minbuza.nlhttp://bosniaherzegovina.nlembassy.org/BulgariaEmbassy of the NetherlandsOborishte Street 15, 1504 SofiaTel.: +359 28160300Fax: +359 28160301E-mail: sof@minbuza.nlwww.mfa.nl/sof-enCroatiaEmbassy of the NetherlandsMedvešæak 56, 10000 ZagrebTel.: +385 14642200Fax: +385 14642211E-mail: zag@minbuza.nlwww.mfa.nl/zag-enConsulate of the NetherlandsAtlanska Plovidba -D.D., Put Sv. Milhajla 1, 20000 DubrovnikTel.: +385 20356141Fax: +385 20356729Consulate of the NetherlandsUlica 9.L Rujna 11, 51410 OpatijaTel.: +385 51271977Fax: +385 51271996E-mail: drakar@ri.t-com.hrConsulate of the NetherlandsMa¾uraniæevo šetalište 1, 21000 SplitTel.: +385 98370671Fax: +385 21519032CyprusEmbassy of the Netherlands34 Demosthenis Severis Avenue, P.O. Box 23835, 1686 NicosiaTel.: +357 22873666Fax: +357 22872399 E-mail: nic@minbuza.nlhttp://cyprus.nlembassy.orgCzech RepublicEmbassy of the NetherlandsGotthardská 6/27, 160 00 Praha 6, BubeneèTel.: +420 233015200Fax: +420 233015254E-mail: nlgovpra@ti.czwww.netherlandsembassy.czDenmarkEmbassy of the NetherlandsToldbodgade 33, 1253 Copenhagen KTel.: +45 33707200Fax: +45 33140350E-mail: kop@minbuza.nlwww.nlembassy.dkEstoniaEmbassy of the NetherlandsRahukohtu 4-I, 10130 TallinnTel.: +372 6805500Fax: +372 6805501E-mail: info@netherlandsembassy.eewww.netherlandsembassy.eeFinlandEmbassy of the NetherlandsErottajankatu 19 B, 00130 HelsinkiTel.: +358 9228920Fax: +358 922892228E-mail: hel@minbuza.nlwww.mfa.nl/helConsulate of the NetherlandsKäsityökatu 9, 70100 KuopioTel.: +358 405465551E-mail:: pekkaritvanen@gmail.comConsulate of the Netherlandsc/o Nordea Bank, P.O. Box 22 (Torggatan 10), 22101 MariehamnTel.: +358 18533224Fax: +358 1812499E-mail:: jan-erik.rask@nordea.fiConsulate of the Netherlandsc/o Wetteri Oy, P.O. Box 32 (Äimäkuja 2), 90401 OuluTel.: +358 207788200Fax: +358 207788784E-mail:: heikki.haggkvist@wetteri.fiConsulate of the Netherlandsc/o Rovakaira Oy, P.O. Box 8013, (Kauppakeskus Revontuli, 4th floor), 96101 RovaniemiTel.: +358 207566300Fax: +358 207566301E-mail: hannu.haase@rovakaira.fiConsulate of the Netherlandsc/o J. Haarla Oy, Pyhäjärvenkatu 10 A, 33200 TampereTel.: +358 333991300Fax: +358 333991350E-mail: johannes.haarla@haarla.fiConsulate of the Netherlandsc/o Stiftelsen för Åbo Akademi, Tähtitorni, Vartiovuori, 20700 TurkuTel.: +358 207861410Fax: +358 207861439E-mail: kjell.sundstrom@abo.fiConsulate of the NetherlandsHovioikeudenpuistikko 18, 65100 VaasaTel.: +358 505121007Fax: +358 104445141E-mail: yngve.svens@netikka.fiFranceEmbassy of the Netherlands7-9 rue Eblé, 75007 ParisTel.: +33 140623300Fax: +33 140623456E-mail: contactfr@holland.comwww.amb-pays-bas.frConsulate of the Netherlands23 Cours Général Leclerc, 20000 AjaccioTel.: +33 495210070Fax: +33 495214933E-mail: l.padovani@fiducial.frConsulate of the Netherlands2, Place de la Bourse, Bureau 303, 33000 BordeauxTel.: +33 556900203Fax: +33 556797252E-mail: consulpaysbasbx@orange.frConsulate of the Netherlands6 rue Frégate La Belle Poule, 29200 BrestTel.: +33 298803270Fax: +33 298807400E-mail: consulatpaysbasbrest@wanadoo.frConsulate of the Netherlands12, Boulevard des Alliés, B.P. 817, 62225 Calais CedexTel.: +33 321965503Fax: +33 321968415E-mail: consulatpaysbascalais@ravisse-calais.comVice-Consulate of the Netherlands8, rue Ledemandé, 76620 Le HavreTel.: +33 235448264Fax: +33 235542614E-mail: viceconsulatpaysbaslehavre@pb-conseil.frConsulate of the Netherlands4, rue des Canonniers, 59041 Lille CedexTel.: +33 320540704Fax: +33 320558227E-mail: consulatpaysbaslille@cpblille.frConsulate of the Netherlands104, rue du Président Herriot, 69002 LyonTel.: +33 478374597Fax: +33 472417507E-mail: consulatpaysbaslyon@wanadoo.frConsulate of the Netherlands15 rue Gustave Ricard, 13006 MarseilleTel./Fax: +33 491256664E-mail: consulat.paysbas.marseille@wanadoo.frConsulate of the NetherlandsMaison de Relations Internationales, 14 Descente En Barrat, 34000 MontpellierTel.: +33 467609020E-mail: consulatpaysbasmontpellier@orange.frConsulate of the NetherlandsLe Croisy, B.P. 109, 44703 Orvault CedexTel.: +33 251788445Fax: +33 240670029E-mail: consulatpaysbasnantes@arlux.frConsulate of the Netherlands14, rue Rossini, 06000 NiceTel.: +33 493875294Fax: +33 493552563E-mail: consulatpaysbasnice@aliceadsl.frConsulate of the Netherlands23 bis, rue Rempart Villeneuve, 66000 PerpignanTel.: +33 468352353Fax: +33 468349388E-mail: cabinet-ramonatxo@club-internet.frConsulate of the NetherlandsCentre d'Affaires Rouen Gare, 20, rue Verte, 76000 RouenTel.: +33 235158282E-mail: consulatpaysbasrouen@wanadoo.frConsulate of the Netherlands12, rue Wimpheling, B.P. 54/R2, 67002 Strasbourg CedexTel.: +33 388610029Fax: +33 390222199E-mail: consulatpaysbasstrasbourg@wanadoo.frConsulate of the Netherlands30, rue Alfred Duméril, 31400 ToulouseTel.: +33 561136494Fax: +33 561211487E-mail: consulatpaysbas.toulouse@yahoo.frGermanyEmbassy of the NetherlandsKlosterstraße 50, 10179 BerlinTel.: +49 30209560Fax: +49 3020956441E-mail: nlgovbln@bln.nlamb.dehttp://bln.niederlandeweb.deConsulate General of the NetherlandsOststraße 10 (im Wehrhahn-Center), 40211 DüsseldorfTel.: +49 2111793010Fax: +49 211359040E-mail: dus-info@minbuza.nlhttp://dus.niederlandeweb.deConsulate General of the NetherlandsBarckhausstr. 10, 5. Etage, 60325 Frankfurt am MainTel.: +49 699712010Fax: +49 6997120155E-mail: fra@minbuza.nlhttp://fra.niederlandeweb.deConsulate General of the NetherlandsAlsterufer 10, 20354 Hamburg Tel.: +49 404503380Fax: +49 4045035073E-mail: info@hollandinhamburg.dehttp://ham.niederlandeweb.deConsulate General of the NetherlandsNymphenburger Straße 20a, 5. Stock, 80335 MünchenTel.: +49 89206026710Fax: +49 89206026730E-mail: mun@minbuza.nlhttp://mun.niederlandeweb.deGreeceEmbassy of the NetherlandsLeof. Vasileos Konstantinou 5-7, 106 74 AthensTel.: +30 2107254950Fax: +30 2107254908E-mail: ath-ca@minbuza.nlwww.mfa.nl/athHonorary Consulate of the NetherlandsAristotelous 4, 491 00 CorfuTel.: +30 2661039900E-mail: envoy@otenet.grHonorary Consulate of the NetherlandsDimokratias 11, 713 06 HerakleionTel.: +30 2810241700Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands5, Damofondos, 241 00 KalamataTel.: +30 2721092337Fax: +30 2721086381E-mail: assi3@otenet.grHonorary Consulate of the NetherlandsAghios Andreas, 640 07 Nea Peramos/KavalasTel.: +30 2594023600Fax: +30 2594023604E-mail: elve@otenet.grHonorary Consulate of the Netherlands39-41, Filopimenos, 262 21 PatrasTel.: +30 2610271846Fax: +30 2610222413Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands41, Akti Miaouli, 185 35 PiraeusTel.: +30 2104294900Fax: +30 2104294941E-mail: nlcons-pir@rediadis.grHonorary Consulate of the Netherlands27, Alex. Diakou, 851 00 RhodosTel.: +30 2241031571Fax: +30 2241026343E-mail: ialyssos@otenet.grHonorary Consulate of the Netherlands9, Capt. Stamati, 831 00 Vathy/SamosTel.: +30 2273028383Fax: +30 2273022083E-mail: olympia@samedia.netHonorary Consulate of the Netherlands26, Komninon, 546 24 ThessalonikiTel.: +30 2310284065Fax: +30 2310282839E-mail: consul_@otenet.grHonorary Consulate of the NetherlandsIasonos 82, 382 21 VolosTel.: +30 2421037714Fax: +30 2421037714E-mail: loulisk@consulate-nl-volos.grHonorary Consulate of the Netherlands'Klirodotima Louli', Stoa Louli, Anexartissias str. 78, 45 44 IoanninaTel.: +30 2651076784HungaryEmbassy of the NetherlandsFüge utca 5-7, 1022 BudapestTel.: +36 13366300Fax: +36 13265978E-mail: bdp@minbuza.nlwww.netherlandsembassy.huHonorary Consulate pf the NetherlandsKonzulok Háza, Megye u. 21, 7621 PécsTel.: +36 72512233Fax: +36 72512234E-mail: consul@dutchconsulate.t-online.huIcelandConsulate General of the NetherlandsBorgartúni 33, 3rd floor, 105 ReykjavikTel.: +354 5331002Fax: +354 5617266E-mail: holland@holland.iswww.holland.isIrelandEmbassy of the Netherlands160 Merrion Road, Dublin 4Tel.: +353 12693444Fax: +353 12839690E-mail: dub-info@minbuza.nlwww.mfa.nl/dub-enConsulate of the NetherlandsMainport, Monahan Road, CorkTel.: +353 214317900Fax: +353 214311269E-mail: ncanton@mainport.ieConsulate of the NetherlandsShipping Office, Dock Road, LimerickTel.: +353 61315315Fax: +353 61318164E-mail: jrdundon@mullock.iol.ieConsulate of the NetherlandsGilroy, Gannon and Co, 25 Stephen Street, SligoTel.: +353 7161747Fax: +353 7143283E-mail: gayadeen@gilroygannon.comItalyEmbassy of the NetherlandsVia Michele Mercati 8, 00197 RomaTel.: +39 632286001Fax: +39 632286256E-mail: rom@minbuza.nlhttp://italy.nlembassy.orgConsulate General of the NetherlandsVia San Vittore 45, 20123 MilanoTel.: +39 24855841Fax: +39 248558452E-mail: mil@minbuza.nlwww.mfa.nl/mil-itConsulate of the NetherlandsCorso Stamina 49, 60122 AnconaTel./Fax: +39 71204070E-mail: studio.panzini@tin.itConsulate of the NetherlandsVia Ennio 2/I, 70124 BariTel.: +39 805569222Fax: +39 805428024E-mail: consolato.paesibassi@asco.itConsulate of the NetherlandsViale Armando Diaz 76, 09125 CagliariTel.: +39 070303873Fax: +39 070304705Consulate of the NetherlandsVia Anzalone 7, 95131 CataniaTel.: +39 95310629Fax: +39 95314469E-mail: bonann@tin.itConsulate of the NetherlandsScali Cerere 3, 57122 LivornoTel.: +39 586278111Fax: +39 586839602E-mail: studio.legale@vincenzini.comConsulate of the NetherlandsVia Agostino Depretis 114, 80133 NapoliTel.: +39 815513003Fax: +39 815510776E-mail: studiocastaldo@studiocastaldo.netConsulate of the NetherlandsVia Emerico amari 8, 90139 PalermoTel.: +39 91586527Fax: +39 91581230E-mail: agnelpmo@libero.itConsulate General of the NetherlandsVia Cavour 81, 50129 FirenzeTel./Fax: +39 55475249E-mail: consgen.nl@fol.itConsulate of the NetherlandsCorte Melone 2, 37122 VeronaTel.: +39 458009311Fax: +39 45590465E-mail: consgen.nl@fol.it
Consulate of the Netherlands
San Marco 2888, San Vidal 30124 Venezia
Tel.: +39 415283416
Fax: +39 412443231
E-mail: cons.paesibassi.ve@libero.it
Consulate of the Netherlands
Corso Francia 131, 10138 Torino
Tel.: +39 117509612
Fax: +39 117494392
E-mail: info@consolatopaesibassi.it
Consulate of the Netherlands
Capo di Piazza G. Bartoli 1, 34121 Trieste
Tel.: +39 40639274
Fax: +39 40637771
E-mail: segreteria@studiocervesi.it
Consulate General of the Netherlands
Via XX Settembre 16/2, 16121 Genova
Tel.: +39 10566838
Fax: +39 10532437
E-mail: m.pero@enermar.com
Consulate of the Netherlands
Via del Monte 10, 40126 Bologna
Tel.: +39 51234115
Fax: +39 051237412
E-mail: consolatopaesibassi@virgilio.it
Embassy of the Netherlands
Xhemajl Berisha 12, Velania, 10000 Pristina
Tel.: +381 38516101
Fax: +381 38516103
E-mail: nl_kosovo@yahoo.com
Embassy of the Netherlands
Torna iela 4-1a, Jacob's Barracks, 1050 Riga
Tel.: +371 67326147
Fax: +371 67326151
E-mail: nedamb@apollo.lv
Consulate of the Netherlands
Litzi 802, FL-9497 Triesenberg
Tel.: +423 2620114
Fax: +423 2620113
E-mail: r.jansen@motherearth.li
Embassy of the Netherlands
Business Center 2000, Jogailos 4, Vilnius
Tel.: +370 52690072
Fax: +370 52690073
E-mail: vil@minbuza.nl
Embassy of the Netherlands
6, rue Sainte Zithe, 2763 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 227570
Fax: +352 403016
E-mail: lux@minbuza.nl
Embassy of the Netherlands
Leninova 69-71, 1000 Skopje
Tel.: +389 23109250
Fax: +389 23129309
E-mail: sko@minbuza.nl
Embassy of the Netherlands
Whitehall Mansions, 3rd floor, Ta'Xbiex Seafront, Ta'Xbiex XBX 1026
Tel.: +356 21313980
Fax: +356 21313990
E-mail: val@minbuza.nl
Consulate General of the Netherlands
3 avenue de la Costa, 98000 Monaco
Tel.: +377 97703644
Fax: +377 93503226
E-mail: consulatgeneralpaysbas@monaco.mc
Consulate of the Netherlands
Nicolea Iorga 18, 2012 Chisinau
Tel./Fax: +373 22238994
E-mail: robert.degroof@efeb.md
Embassy of the Netherlands
Oscars gate 29, 0244 Oslo
Tel.: +47 23333600
Fax: +47 23333601
E-mail: nlgovosl@online.no
Consulate of the Netherlands
Kalfarveien 76, 5018 Bergen
Tel.: +47 55560620
Fax: +47 55217305
E-mail: anne.skjensvold@formue.no
Consulate of the Netherlands
Torvgata 2, Jakhelln Brygge, 8006 Bodø
Tel.: +47 75504145
Fax: +47 75584133
Consulate of the Netherlands
Næringslivssenteret, Bragernes Torv 13, 3017 Drammen
Tel.: +47 32832985
Fax: +47 32264239
Consulate of the Netherlands
Sjøgata 6, 4. etasje, 9600 Hammerfest
Tel.: +47 78406258
Fax: +47 78406251
E-mail: fame@bedriftskompetanse.no
Consulate of the Netherlands
Kjøita Park 40, 4630 Kristiansand-S
Tel.: +47 38145820
Fax: +47 38145821
Consulate of the Netherlands
Yttersø Businesspark, Elveveien 34, 3262 Larvik
Tel.: +47 33137732
Fax: +37 33137731
E-mail: tore.hansen@nlkonsulat.no
Consulate of the Netherlands
Bergelandsgt. 14, 4012 Stavanger
Tel.: +47 51530000
Fax: +47 51530001
E-mail: mitsem@mitsem.no
Consulate of the Netherlands
c/o TFDS ASA, Sjølundveien 7B, 9000 Tromsr
Tel.: +47 77600100
Fax: +47 77612344
Consulate of the Netherlands
Pir 2 nr. 10, 7010 Trondheim
Tel.: +47 73539328
Fax: +47 73539373
E-mail: tor.berg@jps.no
Embassy of the Netherlands
Ul. Kawalerii 10, 00-468 Warsaw
Tel.: +48 225591200
Fax: +48 228402638
E-mail: war@minbuza.nl
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands
ul. Chmielna 101/102, 80 -748 Gdañsk
Tel./Fax: +48 583469878
E-mail: nlconsulate.gdansk@ima.pl
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands
ul. Nowowiejskiego 8/8, 61-731 Poznañ
Tel.: +48 618527884
Fax: +48 618527883
E-mail: andrzej.gawronski@sagabrokers.pl
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands
ul. Legnicka 32, 53-674 Wroc³aw
Tel.: +48 713444985
Fax:. +48 713445271
E-mail: info@centrum-niderlandzkie.pl
Embassy of the Netherlands
Avenida Infante Santo 43-5°, 1399-011 Lisboa
Tel.: +351 213914900
Fax: +351 213966436
E-mail: nlgovlis@netcabo.pt
Consulate of the Netherlands
Largo dr. Fransisco Sa Carneiro nr. 52-S/Loja, 8000-151 Faro
Tel./Fax: +351 289820903
E-mail: nlgovfaro@netc.pt
Consulate of the Netherlands
Complexo Vila Porto Mare, Rua Leichlingen 5-2, 9000-003 Funchal
Tel.: +351 291223830
Fax: +351 291762255
Consulate of the Netherlands
Varela & Ca., Lda, Rua de Lisboa, 9501-997 Ponta Delgada
Tel.: +351 296301800
Fax: +351 296301810
Consulate of the Netherlands
Rua de Reboleira 7, 4050-492 Porto
Tel./Fax: +351 222080061
E-mail: nlgovporto@sapo.pt
Embassy of the Netherlands
Kalashny pereulok 6, 131000 Moskou
Tel.: +7 4957972900
Fax: +7 4957972904
E-mail: mos@minbuza.nl
Consulate of the Netherlands
ABN AMRO BANK ZAO, 1st floor 78 Chekhova street, 693008 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Tel.: +7 9147570000
Fax: +7 4242499476
E-mail: valery.bespalov@ru.abnamro.com
Consulate General of the Netherlands
Moika Nab. 11, 191186 St. Petersburg
Tel.: +7 8123340200
Fax: +7 8123340225
E-mail: pet@minbuza.nl
Embassy of the Netherlands
Simina 29 (Postfah 489), 11000 Beograd
Tel.: +381 112023900
Fax: +381 112023999
mail bel@minbuza.nl
Embassy of the Netherlands
Frana Krála 5, 811 05 Bratislava
Tel.: +421 252625081
Fax: +421 252491075
E-mail: btl@minbuza.nl
Embassy of the Netherlands
Poljanski nasip 6, Palaca Kapitelj, 1000 Ljubljana
Tel.: +386 14201460
Fax: +386 14201470
E-mail: lju@minbuza.nl
Embassy of the Netherlands
Avda. Comandante Franco 32, 28016 Madrid
Tel.: +34 913537500
Fax: +34 913537565
E-mail: mad-info@minbuza.nl
Consulate of the Netherlands
Avenida Diagonal 601 - 4D, 08028 Barcelona
Tel.: +34 933635420
Fax: +34 934103009
E-mail: bar@minbuza.nl
Embassy of the Netherlands
Götgatan 16A, 104 65 Stockholm
Tel.: +46 855693300
Fax: +46 8556 93311
E-mail: sto@minbuza.nl
Consulate of the Netherlands
Drottninggatan 56, 40125 Göteborg
Tel.: +46 31158820
Fax: +46 31158821
E-mail: hakan.friberg@sweship.se
Consulate of the Netherlands
Skeppsbron 2, 201 25 Malmö
Tel.: +46 40303330
Fax: +46 40303790
E-mail: c.j.lindgren@telia.com
Consulate of the Netherlands
Hamngatan 2, 551 19 Jönköping
Tel.: +46 36351200
Fax: +46 36351201
E-mail: gunnar.hjertquist@jkpg.garde.se
Consulate of the Netherlands
Svensknabbevägen 29, 391 27 Kalmar
Tel.: +46 480447470
Fax: +46 480447491
E-mail: ingemar.nilsson@capitex.se
Consulate of the Netherlands
Nya Rådstugugatan 3, 602 24 Norrköping
Tel.: +46 11285030
Fax: +46 11137719
E-mail: lars.erichs@east.cci.se
Consulate of the Netherlands
Skepparplatsen 1, SCA, 851 88 Sundsvall
Tel.: +46 60122890
Fax: +46 60193313
E-mail: bo.rhodiner@sca.com
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands
Renmarkstorget 8, Box 137, 901 04 Umeå
Tel.: +46 90778310
Fax: +46 90120630
E-mail: gunnar.swanstroem@ahlgrens.nu
Embassy of the Netherlands
Seftigenstrasse 7, 3007 Bern
Tel.: +41 313508700
Fax: +41 313508710
E-mail: ben-ca@minbuza.nl
Consulate General of the Netherlands
Rue de la Scie 4, 1207 Geneva
Tel.: +41 227875730
Consulate General of the Netherlands
Binzstrasse 18, 8045 Zurich
Tel.: +41 444556002
Fax: +41 444556004
Consulate of the Netherlands
Via Chiosso 8, Zona Resega, 6948 Porza
Tel.: +41 919661274
E-mail: a.vandermei@bluewin.ch
Embassy of the Netherlands
Hollanda Caddesi 5, Yildiz, 06550 Ankara
Tel.: +90 3124091800
Fax: +90 03124091898
E-mail: ank@minbuza.nl
Consulate General of the Netherlands
Istiklal Caddesi 197, 34433 Beyoğlu, Istanbul
Tel.: +90 2123932121
Fax: +90 2122925031
E-mail: ist@minbuza.nl
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands
Cumhuriyet Meydani, Meydan Apt. 11/5, 1st floor, 35210 Izmir
Tel.: +90 2324640201
Fax: +90 2324640993
E-mail: dutilh@nedconsulizmir.com
Consulate of the Netherlands
MTS Tourism and Travel, Cildir Mah. 159 Sokak 23/1, 48700 Marmaris
Tel./Fax: +90 2524132691
E-mail: azgun@nedconsulmarmaris.com
Consulate of the Netherlands
p/a Antalya Tarim, Aspendos Bulvari nr. 37, 07300 Antalya
Tel.: +90 2423211347
E-mail: titiz@nedconsulantalya.com.tr
Consulate of the Netherlands
Ataturk Bulvari 73, Kordon Apt. Kat. 1, 31200 Iskenderun
Tel.: +90 3266138190
Fax: +90 3266121623
E-mail: lamisk@turk.net
Embassy of the Netherlands
Kontraktova Ploshcha 7, 01901 Kyiv
Tel.: +380 444908200
Fax: +380 444908209
E-mail: kie@minbuza.nl
Consulate of the Netherlands
Sakhorov Street 42, 79012 Lviv
Tel./Fax: +380 322971906
E-mail: raed@mail.lviv.ua
United Kingdom
Embassy of the Netherlands
38 Hyde Park Gate, London SW7 5DP
Tel.: +44 2075903200
Fax: +44 2072250947
E-mail: london@netherlands-embassy.org.uk
Consulate of the Netherlands
18 Carden Place, Aberdeen AB10 1UQ
Tel.: +44 1224561616
Fax: +44 1224561810
E-mail: nlconsulab@aol.com
Consulate of the Netherlands
All-Route Shipping (N.I.) Ltd., 14-16 West Bank Road, Belfast BT3 9JL
Tel.: +44 2890370223
Fax: +44 2890371104
E-mail: shipping@allroute.com
Consulate of the Netherlands
1429 Pershore Road, Stirchley, Birmingham B30 2JL
Tel.: +44 1214333056
Fax: +44 1214585360
E-mail: nlconsulate.bham@btconnect.com
Consulate of the Netherlands
c/o Sam Smith Travel Ltd, 55 High Street, Cowbridge CF71 7AE
Tel.: +44 8712260180
Fax: +44 1446773695
E-mail: consul@samsmithtravel.com
Consulate of the Netherlands
7/9 North Saint David Street, Edinburgh EH2 1AW
Tel.: +44 1315249436
Fax: +44 1315249438
E-mail: info@netherlands-consulate.co.uk
Consulate of the Netherlands
Norman Piette Ltd., Bulwer Avenue St Sampsons, Guernsey, Channel Islands
Tel.: +44 1481241721
Fax: +44 1481243265
E-mail: admin@np-holdings.com
Consulate of the Netherlands
22 Grenville Street, St. Helier, Jersey JE4 8PX Channel Islands
Tel.: +44 1534609000
Fax: +44 1534609333
E-mail: dominique.fauconnier@mourant.com
Consulate of the Netherlands
Crowle House, 41 High Street, PO Box 12, Hull HU1 1RJ
Tel.: +44 1482224911
Fax: +44 1482224914
E-mail: nlconsul@kettlewell.com
Consulate of the Netherlands
Room 105, Cotton Exchange Building, Old Hall Street, Liverpool L3 9LQ
Tel.: +44 1512271162
Fax: +44 1512363048
Consulate of the Netherlands
Apex House, 266 Moseley Road, Levenshulme, Manchester M19 2LH
Tel.: +44 1612482390
Fax: +44 1612482401
E-mail: mieke.slater@harvesthousing.org.uk
Consulate of the Netherlands
The Grove, 25 St. John's Street, Hythe, Hampshire SO45 6BZ
Tel./Fax: +44 2380841172
Vice-Consulate of the Netherlands
Aycliffe Business Centre (1st Floor), Archcliffe Road, Dover, Kent CT17 9EL
Tel.: +44 1304201201
Fax: +44 1304240374
E-mail: jamesryeland@georgehammond.plc.uk
Vice-Consulate of the Netherlands
193 Main Road, Dovercourt, Essex CO12 3PQ
Tel.: +44 1255554460
Fax: +44 1255556655
E-mail: consular@roaservices.co.uk
Vice-Consulate of the Netherlands
Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
Tel.: +44 1132340795
Fax: +44 1132459412
E-mail: sze@walkermorris.co.uk
Vice-Consulate of the Netherlands
W.D. Tamlyn and Co Ltd, Atlantic Building, Queen Anne's Battery, Plymouth PL4 0LP
Tel.: +44 1752663444
Fax: +44 1752221979
E-mail: tony@wdtamlyn.co.uk
