Medical fitness
Before diving in Greek waters everyone should have a doctor's certificate showing that they are fit enough to dive. However, many of the dive centers accept self certification. Some factors that may disqualify for diving are asthma, diabetes, epilepsy.Hyperbaric unitsGreece Diving Center151 Papanastasiou Ave.18533 PiraeusTel.: +30 2104121708Fax: +30 2104119207www.divinghellas.grSt. Paul’s General Hospital, Hyperbaric Department161 E. Antistasis Str.55134 ThessalonikiTel.: +30 31493404Fax: +30 31451727E-mail: teomesim@the.forthnet.grNavy Hospital, Department of Hyperbaric and Diving MedicineDinocratus Str.AthensTel.: +30 17241311Fax: +30 17216166E-mail: diver@ath.forthnet.grKalymnos HospitalKalymnos IslandDodecaneseTel.: +30 2243028455E-mail: noskal@klm.forthnet.grDiving emergencyDAN Europe HellasC/o Hyperbaric Medical Center5 Klazomenon str.Tavros Athens 17778Tel./Fax.: +30 2103462898E-mail: hellas@daneurope.orgVaccinationThere are no essential vaccination requirements for Greece. It is recommended to have tetanus up to date.