Official nameFrench RepublicCapitalParisCoordinates46°00’ N, 2°00’ ELocationFrance is located in Western Europe (bordering the Bay of Biscay, English Channel and Mediterranean Sea). France shares borders with Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium on the west and with Spain on the southern-east.AreaTotal area: 547 030 sq kmLand area: 545 630 sq kmWater area: 1 400 sq kmLand boundaries2 889 kmCoastline3 427 kmAdministrative divisionFrance is divided into 22 metropolitan regions and 4 overseas regions. The country is subdivided into 96 metropolitan departments and 4 overseas departments.Political systemFrance is a republic. The President is the chief of state and is elected every five years. Bicameral Parliament consists of Senate and National Assembly. Members of the Parliament are elected every five years.Population64 057 790Ethnic groupsFrench 83%, Arabs 3%, Italian 2%, Bretons 2%, other 6%ReligionsCatholic 83-88%, Muslim 5-10%, Protestants 2%, other 4%