



Embassy of the Czech Republic
Rruga Skanderbeu Nr. 10, Tirana
Tel.: +355 42234004
Fax: +355 42232159
E-mail: tirana@embassy.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Penzingerstrasse 11-13, 1140 Vienna
Tel.: +43 18942125
Fax: +43 18941200
E-mail: vienna@embassy.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Bahnhofgurtel 59, 8020 Graz
Tel.: +43 3166070200
Fax: +43 3166070202
E-mail: graz@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Bergerbrauhofstrasse 27, 5021 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 662879624
Fax: +43 6628898030
E-mail: salzburg@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Europaplatz 1 a, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 73265962060
Fax: +43 73265963111
E-mail: linz@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Hotel Grauer Bar, Universitatstr. 7, 6020 Innsbruck
Tel.: +43 6641419288
Fax: +43 51257040444
E-mail: innsbruck@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Pierlstrasse 33, Klagenfurt
Tel.: +43 46357480
Fax: +43 46355365
E-mail: klagenfurt@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Muzikalnyj Pereulok 1, Minsk
Tel.: +375 172265244
Fax: +375 172110137
E-mail: minsk@embassy.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
60, rue du Trone, 7e etage, Brussels
Tel.: +32 22139401
Fax: +32 22139402
E-mail: brussels@embassz.mzv

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Antwerpse Stenweg 124, 2630 Antwerpen
Tel.: +32 38704646
Fax: +32 38871016

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Hotel de Ville, Place du Marche 2, Liege
Tel.: +32 42218036
Fax: +32 42218142
E-mail: liege@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
6, rue Fernand Danhaive, 5002 Saint-Servais-Namur
Tel.: +32 81731848
Fax: +32 81734751
E-mail: namur@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Franjevacka 19, Sarajevo 71 000
Tel.: +387 33447525
Fax: +387 33447526
E-mail: sarajevo@embassy.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Blvd. Janko Sakazov 9, Sofia 1504
Tel.: +359 29461111
Fax: +359 29461800
E-mail: sofia@embassy.mzv.cz

Consular Agency of the Czech Republic
Hotel Bulgaria, ul. Alexandrovska 21, 8000 Burgas
Tel.: +359 56875230
Fax: +359 56841501
E-mail: kjburgas@centrum.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Cani Gincev 24, 9002 Varna
Tel.: +359 52641775
Fax: +359 52641774
E-mail: varna@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Savska cesta 41/9, Poschodi, 10 000 Zagreb
Tel.: +385 16177246
Fax: +385 16176630
E-mail: zagreb@embassy.mzv.cz

Consular Agency of the Czech Republic
Obala H.N.P. 5/III (Riva), 21 000 Split
Tel./Fax: +385 21344866
E-mail: kj-split@inet.hr

Consular Agency of the Czech Republic
Trg 128. brigade Hrvatske vojske, 51 000 Rijeka
Tel./Fax: +385 51212515
E-mail: kj-rijeka@inet.hr


Embassy of the Czech Republic
48, Arsinois Str., Nicosia
Tel.: +357 22421118
Fax: +357 22421059
E-mail: nicosia@embassy.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
28, Eptanisou Str., Nicolaou Zavos Center, Off. 101, Limassol, 3100 Agios Nicolaos
Tel.: +357 25343111
Fax: +357 25345834
E-mail: limassol@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of Czech Republic
Ryvangs Alle 14-16, 2100 Copenhagen
Tel.: +45 39101810
Fax: +45 39290930
E-mail: copenhagen@embassy.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Sosterhojvej 35, 8270 Hojbjerg
Tel./Fax: +45 85450111
E-mail: aarhus@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Lahe 4, 10150 Tallinn
Tel.: +372 6274400
Fax: +372 6314716
E-mail: tallinn@embassy.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Armfeltintie 14, 00150 Helsinki
Tel.: +358 96120880
Fax: +358 9630655
E-mail: helsinki@embassy.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Asemakatu 41, 90100 Oulu
Tel.: +358 8374242

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Kuninkaankatu 15 B 26, 33210 Tampere
Tel.: +358 505522680
E-mail: tampere@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
15, Avenue Charles Floquet, 75007 Paris
Tel.: +33 140651300
Fax: +33 140651313
E-mail: paris@embassy.mzv.cz

Consular Agency of the Czech Republic
Best Western, Marseille Bonneveine Prado
Avenue Elsa Triolet, 130008 Marseille
Tel.: +33 491823963
Fax: +33 491823964

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
523, avenue Andre Malraux, Villers les Nancy
Tel.: +33 383927109
Fax: +33 383927068
E-mail: nancy@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
7, rue des Vicaires, 59000 Lille
Tel.: +33 320428434
Fax: +33 320150657
E-mail: lille@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
13, allee des Tanneurs, 44040 Nantes
Tel.: +33 240472421
Fax: +33 240472014
E-mail: nantes@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
4, bld Eugene Deruelle, 69427 Lyon
Tel.: +33 478622324
Fax: +33 478607398
E-mail: lyon@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Wilhelmstrasse 44, 10117 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30226380
Fax: +49 302294033
E-mail: berlin@embassy.mzv.cz

Consulate General of the Czech Republic
Libellenstr. 1, 80939 Munich
Tel.: +49 8995837232
Fax: +49 899503688
E-mail: munich@embassy.mzv.cz

Consulate General of the Czech Republic
Ferdinandstrasse 27, 53127 Bonn
Tel.: +49 22891970
Fax: +49 2289197150
E-mail: bonn@embassy.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
An der Fleischbrucke 1-3, Nurnberg
Tel.: +49 9112059519
Fax: +49 911221493
E-mail: nurnberg@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Friedrichstrasse 1, 18057 Rostock
Tel.: +49 3814591311
Fax: +49 3814591312
E-mail: rostock@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Kernerstrasse 50, 70182 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 711224170
Fax: +49 7112241711
E-mail: stuttgart@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Feldbrunnenstr. 72, 20148 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 4041352496
Fax: +49 404107355
E-mail: hamburg@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Sonnenenergieforum, Florianstrasse 2, 44139 Dortmund
Tel.: +49 2315330610
Fax: +49 2315330738
E-mail: dortmund@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Eschersheimer Landstr. 27, 60322 Frankfurt am Mein
Tel.: +49 6995957300
Fax: +49 6995957301
E-mail: frankfurt@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
6, Georgiou Seferi Street, 154 52 Athens
Tel.: +30 2106719701
Fax: +30 2106710675
E-mail: athens@embassy.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Giamalaki & Sof. Venizelou 50, 712 02 Heraklion
Tel.: +30 2810222852
Fax: +30 2810242373

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Naiadon 98, 175 62 Palaio Faliro
Tel.: +30 2109813351
Fax: +30 2109881606

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Capsis Hotel Rhodos, Leoforos Trianton, 85 100 Ixia
Tel.: +30 241078020
Fax: +30 241020900

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Dimokratias 62, 546 23 Thessaloniki
Tel.: +30 2392022575
Fax: +30 2392022598


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Rozsa u. 61, 1064 Budapest VI.
Tel.: +361 4625010
Fax: +361 3519189
E-mail: budapest@embassy.mzv.cz


Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Frikirkjuvegur 3, 101 Reykjavik
Tel.: +354 5870860
Fax: +354 5680645
E-mail: reykjavik@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
57, Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Tel.: +353 16681135
Fax: +353 16681660
E-mail: dublin@embassy.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Via dei Gracchi 322, 00192 Rome
Tel.: +39 63609571
Fax: +39 63244466
E-mail: rome@embassy.mzv.cz

Consulate General of the Czech Republic
via G.B. Morgagni 20, 20129 Milan
Tel.: +39 27420160
Fax: +39 229404401
E-mail: milan@embassy.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Corso Umberto I, 275, 80138 Napoli
Tel.: +39 81268784
Fax: +39 81267336
E-mail: naples@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Via San Francesco 34, 33100 Udine
Tel.: +39 432509445
Fax: +39 432298126
E-mail: udine@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Via del Giglio 10, 50123 Firenze
Tel.: +39 55284454
Fax: +39 552382762
E-mail: florence@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Via Quintino Sella 76, Palermo
Tel.: +39 91336892
Fax: +39 91341907
E-mail: palermo@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Cannaregio 3821, Corte dei Pali già Testori, 30121 Venezia
Tel./Fax: +39 412413984
E-mail: venice@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
smail Qemali, Arberi/Dragodan c. 31, 10000 Pristina
Tel.: +381 38246676
Fax: +381 38248782
E-mail: pristina@embassy.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Elizabetes Iela 29ª, 1010 Riga
Tel.: +371 67217814
Fax: +371 67217821
E-mail: riga@embassy.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Birutes g. 16, Zverynas, 08117 Vilnius
Tel.: +370 52661040
Fax: +370 52661066
E-mail: vilnius@embassy.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
2, Rond-Point Robert Schuman, 2449 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 264778
Fax: +352 26477820
E-mail: luxembourg@embassy.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Ul. Salvador Aljende 35, 1000 Skopje
Tel.: +389 23109805
Fax: +389 23178380
E-mail: skopje@embassy.mzv.cz


Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Pjazza Celsi No 7, NXR 03 Naxxar
Tel.: +356 21413893
Fax: +356 21414120
E-mail: consulate@czech-malta.com


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Str. Moara Rosie 23, Riscani, 2005 Chisinau
Tel.: +373 22296419
Fax: +373 22296437
E-mail: chisinau@embassy.mzv.cz


Honorary Consulate General of the Czech Republic
5, av. de Grande Bretagne, 98000 Monte-Carlo
Tel.: +377 93504660
Fax: +377 93504425
E-mail: monaco@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of Czech Republic
Paleisstraat 4, 2514 JA The Hague
Tel.: +31 703130031
Fax: +31 703563349
E-mail: hague@embassy.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate General of the Czech Republic
World Trade Center, Strawinskylaan 1201, Amsterdam
Tel./Fax: +31 205753016
E-mail: amsterdam@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of Czech Republic
Fritzners gate 14, 0244 Oslo
Tel.: +47 22121031
Fax: +47 22553395
E-mail: oslo@embassy.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Fortunen 1, Bergen
Tel.: +47 55215401
Fax: +47 55215425
E-mail: bergen@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
c/o kaspo maskin AS, Tungaveien 38, 7489 Trondheim
Tel.: +47 93233100
Fax: +47 73823590
E-mail: trondheim@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Ul. Koszykowa 18, 00-555 Warsaw
Tel.: +48 225251850
Fax: +48 225251898
E-mail: warsaw@embassy.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Plac Hołdu Pruskiego 9, 70-550 Szczecin
Tel.: +48 914342674
Fax: +48 914342712
E-mail: szczecin@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
ul. Bukowska 285 (port Lotniczy), Poznań
Tel.: +48 6168492292
Fax: +48 6168492293
E-mail: poznan@honorary.mzv.cz

Consulate General of the Czech Republic
Pawła Stalmacha 21, 40-058 Katowice
Tel.: +48 326099952
Fax: +48 322515567
E-mail: katowice@embassy.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Rua Pero de Alenquer 14, 1400-294 Lisbon
Tel.: +351 213010487
Fax: +351 213010629
E-mail: czechembassylisbon@gmail.com

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Rua dos Arrependidos, Quinta dos Cisnes, Laborim de Baixo, 4430 099 Gaia
Tel.: +351 252853351
Fax: +351 252859011
E-mail: porto@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Rua Dr. Jose Joaquim de Freitas 24, 9060143 Funchal
Tel.: +351 291228654
E-mail: funchal@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Avenida 5 de Outubro, 55, I. Esq, 8000 Faro
Tel.: +351 289412750
Fax: +351 289806310
E-mail: faro@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Str. Ion Ghica 11, Sector 3, 70418 Bucharest
Tel.: +40 213039230
Fax: +40 213122539
E-mail: bucharest@embassy.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
J. Fuchika 12/14, 123056 Moscow
Tel.: +7 4952510544
Fax: +7 4952501523
E-mail: moscow@embassy.mzv.cz

Consulate General of the Czech Republic
Tverskaja 5, 191 015 St. Petersburg
Tel.: +7 8122710459
Fax: +7 8122714615
E-mail: petersburg@embassy.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Hviezdoslavovo nam. 8, 810 00 Bratislava
Tel.: +421 259203301
Fax: +421 259203330
E-mail: bratislava@embassy.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Riharjeva 1, 1000 Ljubljana
Tel.: +386 14202450
Fax: +386 12839259
E-mail: ljubljana@embassy.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Avda. Pio XII, 22-24, 28016 Madrid
Tel.: +34 913531880
Fax: +34 913531885
E-mail: madrid@embassy.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
C/ Munoz Degraín, 2-1-of. 1, Oviedo
Tel./Fax: +34 985275058
E-mail: oviedo@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Travesera de Gracia, 40-42, 5-o, 2-a, 08021 Barcelona
Tel.: +34 932413236
Fax: +34 932413237
E-mail: barcelona@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
C/ Ibiza 15, 03500 Benidorm
Tel.: +34 965853824
Fax: +34 965866447
E-mail: benidorm@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
C/ Luis de la Cruz y Rios, 9, 3 A, 30300 La Orotava
Tel.: +34 922323645
Fax: +34 922323645
E-mail: tenerife@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Carretera de Circunvalacion, s/n; Complejo Bellavista, Jerez de la Frontera
Tel./Fax: +34 956302500
E-mail: jerez@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Pza. Sant Antoni, 11A, 3-der., 07002 Palma de Mallorca
Tel.: +34 971105500
Fax: +34 971915234
E-mail: mallorca@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Villagatan 21, 114 32 Stockholm
Tel.: +46 84404210
Fax: +46 84404211
E-mail: stockholm@embassy.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Skanditra, Vastergatan 22, 21121 Malmo
Tel.: +46 40174903
Fax: +46 40120382
E-mail: malmo@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Bryggerigatan 13, 45772 Grebbestad
Tel./Fax: +46 52510490
E-mail: goteborg@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of Czech Republic
Muristrasse 53, 3006 Bern
Tel.: +41 313504070
Fax: +41 313504098
E-mail: bern@embassy.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Gerbergasse 1, 4001 Basel
Tel.: +41 617120070
Fax: +41 617139751

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Dufourstrasse 22, 8024 Zurich
Tel.: +41 442567398
Fax: +41 442567399
E-mail: zurich@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Piazza Fontana Pedrazzini 7ª, Locarno
Tel.: +41 917516661
Fax: +41 917522710


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Ugur Mumcu Cad. 100, G.O.P. 0677, Ankara
Tel.: +90 3124056139
Fax: +90 3124461245
E-mail: ankara@embassy.mzv.cz

Consulate General of the Czech Republic
Abdi Ipekci Cad. 71, 80212 Istanbul
Tel.: +90 2122329046
Fax: +90 2122319493
E-mail: istanbul@embassy.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Ziya Gökalp Bul. No. 21, Ba_araner Apt. Kat. 4, D: 9, Izmir
Tel.: +90 2324632660
Fax: +90 2324632682

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
1385 Sokak No. 20, 07100 Antalya
Tel.: +90 2423226183
Fax: +90 242/3226182
E-mail: antalya@honorary.mzv.cz


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Jaroslaviv Val 34a, Kiev
Tel.: +380 442720807
Fax: +380 442726204
E-mail: kiev@embassy.mzv.cz

Consulate General of the Czech Republic
Antonovicha 130/a, 9507 Lvov
Tel.: +380 322976893
Fax: +380 322976896
E-mail: lvov@embassy.mzv.cz

Consulate General of the Czech Republic
Zelyonaya 9, 83015 Doneck
Tel.: +380 623046885
Fax: +380 623043979
E-mail: donetsk@embassy.mzv.cz

United Kingdom

Embassy of the Czech Republic
26 - 30, Kensington Palace Gardens, W8 4QY London
Tel.: +44 2072431115
Fax: +44 2072437926
E-mail: consulate.london@embassy.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate General of the Czech Republic
2A Riselaw Crescent, Edinburgh
Tel./Fax: +44 1314479509
E-mail: edinburgh@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
1 Kings Road Canton, CF 11 9bz Cardiff
Tel.: +44 2920396622
Fax: +44 2920396611
E-mail: cardiff@honorary.mzv.cz