HEALTHMedical fitnessBefore diving in Croatia’s waters everyone must have a doctor's certificate (no older than 3 months) showing that they are fit enough to dive. Some factors that may disqualify for diving are asthma, diabetes, epilepsy.Hyperbaric unitsInstitute for Maritime and Hyperbaric Chambers, Split
Tel.: +385 021 354511
Fax: +385 021 353739
Gosovic Institute, Split
Tel: +385 021 343980
Fax: +385 021 361355
E-mail: gojko.gosovic@st.htnet.hr
Polyclinic for Baromedicine OXY, Pula
Tel: +385 052 217877
Fax: +385 052 217877
E-mail: poliklinika@oxy.hr
Polyclinic for Baromedicine OXY, Zagreb
Tel: +385 01 2902300
Fax: +385 01 2903723
E-mail: poliklinika.zg@oxy.hr
Centre for Search and Rescue at Sea, Rijeka
Tel: +385 9155
Fax: +385 051 312254
E-mail: mrcc@pomorstvo.hrDiving emergencyDan Europe Office Croatia
Kruge 19A
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Fax: +385 16151900
E-mail: croatia@daneurope.orgVaccinationThere are no essential vaccination requirements for Croatia.