HEALTHHyperbaric unitsCenter for Hyperbaric Oxygen TherapyMilitary Hospital, Queen AstridBruynstraat 200, 1120 BrusselsTel.: +32 22644868Fax: +32 22644861E-mail: medhyper@smd.beUnit of Hyperbaric Medicine, University HospitalWilrijkstraat 10 Edegem, 2650 AntwerpTel.: +32 38213055Fax: +32 38291288E-mail: svanpoucke@hotmail.comDiving and Hyperbaric Medical CenterBelgian NavyGraaf Jansdijk 1, 8380 ZeebruggeTel.: +32 50558689Fax: +32 50558690E-mail: hvbogaert@unicall.beHyperbaric Center Aalst, OLV Ziekenhuis AalstMoorselbaan 164, 9300 AalstTel.: +32 53724348Fax: +32 53724594E-mail: didemeyer@olvz-aalst.beHyperbaric Therapy Unit, AZ Stuivenberg AntwerpenLange Beeldekensstraat 267, 2060 AntwerpenTel.: +32 32177587Fax: +32 32177574Hyperbaric Center CHR La CitadelleBd. du XII-de Ligne 1, 4000 LiègeTel.: +32 42256041Fax: +32 42256444E-mail: fxnoel@chrcitadelle.beDiving emergencyDAN Europe Office BeneluxTel.: +39 858930333Fax: +39 858930050(Tel./Fax numbers refer to Central Office in Italy)E-mail: benelux@daneurope.orgVaccinationThere are no essential vaccination requirements for Belgium.