HEALTHMedical fitnessBefore diving in Turkey everyone needs a health attest showing that they are fit enough to dive. Some factors that may disqualify for diving are asthma, diabetes, epilepsy.Hyperbaric unitsCapa Hospital, Department of Marine and Underwater34390 Capa, IstanbulTel.: +90 2125313544Cubuklu Underwater RescueIstanbulTel.: +90 2163222580Gata, Hayadarpasa Underwater DepartmentIstanbulTel.: +90 2163450295Bodrum Underwater Research InstituteBodrumTel.: +90 2523162491Diving emergencyDAN Europe Office TurkeyC/o Yavuztürk Sok, No32, D:1; Sögütlüçesme34716, Kadiköy IstanbulTel.: +90 5333415404E-mail: turkey@daneurope.orgVaccinationThere are no essential vaccination requirements for Turkey. However, it is recommended to obtain vaccinations for typhoid, hepatitis A and B, diphtheria, tuberculosis, rabies and malaria (especially if one intends to go to the southern part of the country).