

Hyperbaric units

Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive care - Division of Hyperbaric Medicine
Karolinska Hospital and Institute
171 76 Stockholm
Tel.: +46 851774124
Fax: +46 851775860
E-mail: folke.lind@hbo.ks.se

Uddevalla Hospital
451 80 Uddevalla
Tel.: +46 52293006
Fax: +46 52293004
E-mail: lars.spetz@vgregion.se

Diving emergency

DAN Europe Office Skandinavien (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland)
P.O. Box 11, 2830 Virum, Denmark
Tel.: +45 45836330
Fax: +45 45836331
E-mail: skandinavien@daneurope.org


There are no essential vaccination requirements for Sweden.